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City Council Meeting - 9/16/2004
Council Meeting #38 of 2004
September 16, 2004
Business Meeting
Memorial City Hall

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore - Present.

City Staff Present –Tom Leone, Acting City Manager; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Michele McNabb, Acting City Clerk; Police Chief Gary Giannotta; Beatrice O’Hora, Comptroller; Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Services; Mike Long, Capitol Improvement Program Manager; Jennifer Haines, Planning & Economic Development Program Manager.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – None

Public Announcements – None

City Manager Report – None

Public to be Heard –
Mayor Lattimore introduced Robert Mount, President and CEO of Power Innovations.
Mr. Mount explained what his company does.

Report of City OfficialsNone

Committee Reports- None

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – Clerk Read

Ordinances – None.


Appointment Resolution #133 of 2004 authorizing reappointment to the Board of Assessment Review.  Sponsored by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Hunter.  Councilor Hunter asked staff to look into reevaluations of assessments.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Sidewalk Resolution #134 of 2004 authorizing the financing of sidewalks on the 2003 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program, to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account #HA 5497-440-001.  Sponsored by Councilor Dempsey, seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Councilor Jacobs commented about the current sidewalk contractor.   Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye. Passed

Council Resolution #135 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to make application to the State of New York Office of Children and Family Services for funding for the City of Auburn Parks and Recreation Department.  Sponsored by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Hunter.  Councilor Hunter asked staff to look into why this grant passes through Cayuga County.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Council Resolution #136 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to submit an application on behalf of Downtown Auburn BID for the New York Main Street Grant Monies.  Sponsored by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Mayor Lattimore asked Sandy Craner, Director of the Downtown Auburn BID, to say a few words.  Sandy spoke in favor of the grant.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Land Sale Resolution #137 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to sign any and all papers necessary for the transfer of property at 6 Church Street, Auburn, New York.  Sponsored by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Hunter.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Land Sale Resolution #138 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to sign any and all papers necessary for the transfer of property at 69 Fitch Avenue, Auburn, New York.  Sponsored by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Council Resolution #139 of 2004 accepting grant and accepting the contract – Dr. Wellman.  Sponsored by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Councilor Hunter asked Mike Long, Capitol Improvement Program Manager, to comment on the resolution.  Mike Long spoke in favor of the resolution.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Agreement Resolution #140 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Cowley Associates of Syracuse, New, to assist the City in educating the public relative to Local Law #1 of 2004, for an amount not to exceed $11,550.00.  Sponsored by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Hunter.  Gail Cowley and Michael Meath from Cowley Associates spoke to Council in regards to what their organization will do to educate the public.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Award Resolution #141 of 2004 authorizing award of bid for Engineering Services for the Dunn & McCarthy Project.  Sponsored by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Hunter.  Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Services, spoke in favor of the resolution.  Councilor Hunter asked about the flood plain. Mr. DeOrio responded.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Agreement Resolution #142 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Barton & Loguidice for engineering services for Closure Plan and to update Operation and Maintenance Manual for the City of Auburn Sanitary Landfill, in the amount of $25,000 and to be charged to Account #AL 8162.412 in the amount of $8,000 and Account #EL 8162.440.280 in the amount of $17,000.  Sponsored by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Councilor Hunter asked Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Services, about what landfill cells are now closed.  Mr. DeOrio responded.  Councilor Dempsey asked Bea O’Hora, Comptroller, about financing.  Bea responded.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Agreement Resolution #143 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Industrial Furnace Company, Inc. (IFCO) of Rochester, New York, for stack testing of incinerator for emissions compliance, in the amount of $37,500 to be charged to Accounts #G 8130-44 and #G 8130-46.  Sponsored by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Services, spoke in favor of the resolution.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Land Sale Resolution #144 of 2004 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents associated with the sale of various properties sold at the public auction held on September 8, 2004.  Sponsored by Councilor Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Councilor Hunter asked about the number of properties sold.  Acting City Manager, Tom Leone, responded.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Council Resolution #145 of 2004 authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Agreement on behalf of the City of Auburn Historic and Cultural Sites Commission with the Cayuga County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc.    Sponsored by Councilor Dempsey, seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Tabled Legislation –

Ordinance #13 of 2004 Authorizing Amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn at Chapter 297 entitled “Water Service”.  Sponsored by Councilor Hunter, seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Bea O’Hora, Comptroller, handed out a proposed water rate increase.  Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Services, explained the rate increase.  Councilor McNabb spoke in opposition to the increase.  Councilor Dempsey asked Bea O’Hora questions about the increase.  Bea O’Hora responded.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs and McNabb – no; Councilor Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Passed

Second Public to be Heard –

Janet Patterson, 211 State St. – Spoke about forming a committee to improve the area surrounding her business.  She asked for a volunteer from Council.  Councilor Jacobs volunteered.  She thanked the Auburn Police Department for their support. She also commented on the water rate increase  

Other Business –  

Councilor Jacobs asked the City Manager to look into railroad track crossings on State Street and near the old Agway on Columbus St.

Recap – Clerk Read

Council adjourned to Executive Session at 7:25PM, returning at 7:29PM.  

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 7:32PM.